Inhee Park

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Work Experiences

  • Computational Protein Engineer / Machine Learning
    Aether Biomachines, Menlo Park, CA
    • Startup! Data Science + Machine Learning + Computational Chemistry (Enzyme:Substrate) + MD Simulation
  • Postdoctoral Fellow (Computational Simulation/Modeling)
    Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation, San Diego, CA
    • Implemented Monte Carlo based structure-prediction algorithm from scratch in Python by referring to research articles and patent documents.
    • Totally redesign the above algorithm by accelerating data-generation (GPU-enabled simulation) and incorporating statistical metrics into more generic and robust growth logistic model in Python, R and SQLite.
    • Developed and deployed the integrated bioinformatics tool for internal service for reconstructing antibody sequence by leveraging combined Databases and Dynamic Programming.
  • Postdoctoral Fellow (Computational Simulation/Modeling)
    Beckman Research Institute at City of Hope, Duarte, CA
    • Optimized the high-dimensional biological sampling space by refinement protocol, which was enhanced by reusing the robotics locomotion algorithm used in NASA/JPL.
    • Created an automation workflow in Python and R for systematic comparison of sampling performance by uti- lizing dimensionality reduction (PCA).


  • MS. Computer Science (3.95/4.0), San Jose State University, CA
    • Relevant CS Graduate Coursework: Design/Analysis of Algorithms, Deep Learning for Computer Vision, Machine Learning in Security, and Mining of Massive Dataset)
  • PhD. Computational Chemical Physics, The Ohio State University, OH
  • BS. Chemistry & Physics, SookMyung Women’s University, Seoul, Korea

Technical Project Experience

  • [AI] Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) for Walker Systems —
    • Solved the challenging problem of robot’s walking and carrying a package in high-dimensional, continuous state/action space using collaborative training with multiple agents and tuning the optimal hyperparameter set.
  • [NLP] Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) using Transfer Learning and Embeddings —
    • Built a semantic search engine as a pragmatic application of STS in PyTorch/Python with a faster similarity search by approximate k-NN.
  • [NLP] Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning and Deep Learning —
    • Comparative study on NLP techniques in capturing the simple polarity of lecture evaluation reviews : from primitive metric (TF-IDF, 80% accuracy), static embedding (Word2Vec; 65%) to state-of-art dynamic embedding (BERT model, 75%)
  • [DL/Vision] Lighter, Faster Semantic Segmentation by Post-Training Quantization and Quantization-Aware Training —
    • Systematically tested and analyzed performance of quantization as a model compression in conjunction to different fine-tuning protocols for the MobileNet-based segmentation framework.

Computer Skills

  • Programming Languages—[Advanced] Python, R and Bash Script; [Skilled] Java, C and Verilog with ModelSim
  • Machine Learning/Deep Learning/NLP—Scikit-learn, Pandas, Jupyter Notebook, Tensorflow, PyTorch and BERT
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning—Ray RLlib (both single-agent and multi-agent), OpenAI Gym
  • Computing Environment—Linux (Ubuntu), HPC (MPI), GPU Computing, AWS (Cloud), Anaconda (Virtual Env)
  • Full Stack Web—[Front] HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript/jQuery, Ajax; [Server] JSP/Tomcat; [Back] MySQL
